Monday, September 3, 2012

What is Paraphilia - Day 29

What is Paraphilia? According to Wikipedia, “Paraphilia is sexual arousal to objects, situations, or individuals that are not part of normative stimulation and that may cause distress or serious problems for the paraphiliac or those associated with them." 

In my opinion, porn increases the likelihood of a person developing Paraphilia. As a person starts to live a lifestyle of constant porn it takes more and more for the person to reach the same highs. In order to do this, the addict often has to resort to more extreme scenes than the ones he previously enjoyed. Many common themes with paraphilia are: women using increasingly larger objects to penetrate themselves, increased degrees of BDSM, a desire to see woman used in more humiliating ways than before, and searching out younger and younger actresses.

Each one of these comes with problems. First off, the addict expects their partners to act out the scenes he sees in porn. This is an unnatural expectation of someone within the normal social moral code. When the expectations are not met, this can lead to resentment from the addict due to not having their expectations met. 

In some cases, the extremes reach their own boundaries. For example, my version of Paraphilia went into two directions; one of which was public sex. There are only so few women that are willing to have all out sex in public and have it on tape. (Yes, I understand there are thousands of public sex scenes but if it wasn't a certain way then it didn't qualify to me.) Therefore it would become increasingly harder to find the next best scene. This would lead to more porn watching in order to find it. 

Worse yet, some of these categories can lead to illegal activities and crimes against our moral codes as a society. For example, many long term porn addicts will turn to either gay or child alternatives. I thank God I never went in these directions; not that my issues were any better. However, this is a natural progression for some porn addicts. A person may start down the road of porn addiction only looking for standard sex between a man and a woman. However, over years of exposure the lines of what is right and wrong are blurred. The addict will tell himself there is nothing wrong with just watching as long as he is not doing. The sad part is quite often this will lead to doing if the opportunity presents itself. 

As far as serious problems arising, Jail and ruined relationships are at the top of the list. In addition, some of these extremes can cause serious injuries. 

So, when you mate asks you to do something that seems weird or beyond the norm, shouldn't you be asking yourself where they got the ideas from? As a friend once told me after I told him how good my new girlfriend was at sex, "How do you think she got that way?" Ouch.