Sunday, August 26, 2012

21 Days Does Not Break an Addiction

Well, I’ve reached day 21 in my quest to be free from porn addiction. So, my first goal has been reached. I realize 21 days is not a magic bullet to end porn addiction. I only set it as my first real goal due to all the self improvement writings that tout “21 days to break a habit.”

I can give myself a little credit for making it this far but I know I’m far from being clear of porn addiction. It’s obvious I have a long way to go when I’m sitting in church and I catch myself looking at good looking women in mini-skirts. What the hell is a matter with them anyways? Are they just unaware of the problems they give people like me or do they know it and enjoy doing it anyways? Some women wear shirts that leave little to no imagination to what they have. What is this world coming too?

Moving on, my next goal is 30 days; one full month of freedom. I’m hoping the longer I go the easier it will be. Days 19 and 20 were a killer. Maybe, it’s due to the fact, I was so close to the goal. I wonder how long it will take before my mind stops trying to play porn reruns in my head. Funny thing is it’s always the same 4 or 5 movies. So, out of the 1000s it comes down to 4 or 5.

Last night, my wife was going to take my kids for a haircut. I was on the computer at the time writing my last post. I was afraid she was going to leave me at home alone. Why take chances? I ran downstairs and took them myself. I’m thinking I shouldn’t become overconfident in the issue and I should always be on the defensive.