Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Facebook is a Mine Field - Day 16.

This morning I opened Facebook to check for any messages. BAM! Someone had posted a picture with some kind of nude women on it. I'm not sure if they were drawn, animated, or photographed. I didn't stick around to find out. I blocked this person from posting any further things to my wall.

The thing about Facebook is there is little control over what goes in your eyes. More often than not there are suggestive pictures on the right hand side in the form of ads. Are those pictures bad? No. However, there is nothing wrong with having beer in the frig unless your an alcoholic. Why take the risk? It only takes a wrong thought at the wrong time to be in the fight of your life. FYI, there is porn on Facebook also. Usually, you have to go look for it. Yet, sometimes it just shows up.

I took my family to the beach two days ago. During the drive my wife told me she had a co-worker find me on Facebook. She said there was a picture of a girl on my page and I had liked it. She had mentioned it was awkward for her and her friend. I couldn't remember this at all.

Eventually, I realized it was tied to an interview I was going to do. I promote all my writing through Facebook; except this blog. I was going to interview a fitness model for a website; Again, overall,  probably not a big deal. However, to a wife whose husband is fighting porn addiction, it just brings up all kinds of questions again. I'm looking forward to the day when my wife won't have to worry about if I'm looking at porn.

It's recommend to stop using Facebook if possible. It's just one less obstacle to have to deal with.