Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 4: Free From Porn Addiction - Martial Relationships

Day 4 and all is well. I've heard a few preachers speak about porn addiction. As you can imagine, they didn’t agree with it much. Of course, they would mention the negative effects on Martial Relations. 

Some would mention how their spouse could never live up to the mental images developed in the addicts mind. Porn is full of women who have great bodies and faces. They mention how this made the addict feel their spouses were less attractive. Well, I never lost the fact that my wife is beautiful. I do notice her imperfections but I find it hard to believe this isn't the case with most people, even if, they aren't addicted. 

I personally noticed another negative effect on martial relations. I don't remember reading it anywhere but through personal experience I can't deny it. When I've been at home and spent time watching porn, it would never fail that I would argue with my wife when she arrived home. I don't understand all the psychology about it. I just know it would happen. Even when I figured this out, I would still fail to stay calm. Once I forgot about being careful it would slip. 

When I had lost my job a few years ago, I had stopped watching porn for a while. My family said there was a big change in my attitude. They stated I was more relaxed in life. We all attributed it to me no longer working a job I hated. Now, I'm not so sure. I guess we'll find out soon. I have another job just like the old one. So, that hasn't changed. 

Song for This Day