Sunday, August 19, 2012

People Do Not Understand Porn Addiction - Day 14

I went to church with my wife this morning and the topic was Promiscuity, Pornography, and Adultery. I swear you could have heard a pin drop in church this morning. As the pastor was pointing out, these sins are running rampart in the churches these days. Our pastor has had the guts to teach on many polarizing views lately. These are the ones everyone should talk about but no one does.

As soon as the service started, I felt my wife tense up. I know here first thought was about my addiction. Thanks to the progress I have been making and my clear desire to been done with porn, I was totally relaxed through the whole message. I think she could feel it in me. By the time the service was over she seemed to be in a good mood. The message probably also explained why I have been a lot more self-controlled and peaceful lately.

The message made me want to move up the time table of starting a local support group for people addicted to porn. However, I don't know what would be too soon. I would hate for people to not take it or me seriously because I was only free for a few months. I would hope people coming would realize we are all just trying to take it one step at a time.

I'll be honest with you. I don't want to share my addiction troubles with anyone who does not have the same addiction. I don't believe other people understand. I've told too many people in the past who were supposed to be there for support and only received distance instead. It was like, "Wow, you are awesome. Oh wait, you're addicted to porn? Get away from me." At first, I didn't want to believe it but the more it happened I couldn't deny it. Therefore, I gave up trying to get help in the past.

So, it's important I form this group of people who know what each other is going thru and wants to help each other.