Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dumb Ideas to Stop Watching Porn - Day 20

I didn't post yesterday. Seemed like a good idea to stay away from the computer. I was already having a war inside my head. So, I didn't want to give the opposition any more ammunition. 

I came across today. (Warning! if you follow the link, there are potential trigger pictures on the right side.) They list a whole bunch of ways to quit watching porn and avoid the addition. It seems to me this guy just wanted to write content and is really not trying to help anyone. Some of these ideas will actually help an addict become more addicted. Let's take a look at a few. 

"Try to finish yourself off as soon as possible." This would just lead to an unsatisfactory experience and the addict would be back in no time try to find "the new level."

"Watch so much that you get sick of it." Hello!? We are already at this level. Hence, the fact we are addicted and are trying to quit. 

"Restrict yourself to one porn site a week." Wow! It's time for a reality check. A true addicted loses all control after he lands on the first site. 

I wonder if anyone is buying any of this stuff. Seems like a good way to fool yourself. 

When it comes to quitting porn, it needs to be cold turkey. There is no controlling the addiction. When someone checks into a drug clinic, they don't start by giving him a huge fix on the first day and then gently decrease it day by day. No! They just stop them cold turkey. After they leave, they don't say, "Now, it's OK to have one fix a week but don't do any more." Sounds dumb, right? It’s the same here with porn addiction.